Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Hyderabad Traffic E-challan Status | Telangana E-challan Dues


What is E-challan?

E-Challan is a traffic challan which is in the Electronic mode and provided by the traffic police. This specific format is used for depositing or remitting the contribution or statutory payment at a treasury. The E-challan can be distributed with respect to the traffic issues which are occurred by the road users and monitored on camera. Traffic E-challan is assisted by photographic evidence what the owner of the vehicle wants to have.

hyderabad e-challan status

How to generate evidence for E-challan?

Snaps of E-challan system are revealed using a digital camera, speed laser gun and automated red light violation camera. In the department of traffic and law and order management, from the control room, using the surveillance camera we can have photographic evidence for the specific vehicle. Auto E-challan and image capturing system for over speed detection is available on some advanced vehicles. In Hyderabad, traffic challan is ruling a better place to avoid the traffic violations which are introduced by the vehicle user.

Categories of Traffic Challan

There are two kinds of traffic challan is provided by the traffic police. Those are named as, E- challan and spot challan. Spot challan is a unique method to accomplish the challans or traffic penalty to the vehicle. Any vehicle can be caught for the spot challan and the respected compensation is collected at that same time from the owner of the vehicle. The complete details about the E-challan will be sending to the address against to the vehicle which is available in RTA (regional trade agreement) database. We can make the payment as due.

Issuing penalty

For a traffic offense, imposing an E-challan status is an important thing to reveal. E-challan fine rates and the spot challan fine rates are slightly same what the user has to pay. From the department of traffic law with respect to the issue of traffic, the users are committed to get the challan and pay the fine. The penalty range is varying as Hyderabad traffic challan and the Cyberabad traffic challan. The offense on traffic from some specific aspects will lead to the E-challan Hyderabad.

Traffic Challan status Enquiry

Once, the vehicle owner, who is caught by the traffic issue, has to obey the terms and conditions which are defined by the Government. The traffic police will inquire about the location of the driving area, achieved offense against with the traffic rule and corresponding penalty for an issue etc.  The traffic challan is issued by the traffic police who are responsible for a particular area. If it is anything wrong, they will provide the traffic challan and the E-challan dues are collected by the same police who was issued that.

E-challan verification with mobile app

Currently, in Hyderabad, E-challan is dominating and establishing a better performance towards the traffic violations. There is an availability of an Android app by which we can check out the committed issue. By the use of link which is available on the Android app, we can find the availability of E-challan in the state of Telangana. We can download this application from the Google’s play store where the number of apps is available.

Lawful actions on pending E-challans

If the E-challan is having long term pending, the Government will take a legal action against that. The E-challan Hyderabad is similar with the E-challan Telangana and both of these are issued due to traffic violations. Pending on traffic challan Telangana will perform in the court action and due to the following reason, the user may unable to pay the due. Those are,

  1. Due to the residential shifting, the user may have a different address at RTO.
  2. The user may sell the vehicle.

These kinds of users are indicted and made to pay the more in the court as a legal decision. 


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