Get comtax UP VAT - E Sancharan Form 38 Sales Tax:
Form 38 (eSancharan Import Declaration Form) road permit is used to import goods from outside of the state UP in India. It is mainly used for filing UP commercial tax on sales.
The department of commercial tax UP has announced filing a form 38 has mandatory by the department for traders, who import goods from outside the state UP. For the security purposes, the traders and businessmen who import goods from outside the state should switch to form 38 (of CC/DD series) from the previous of form 31. Commercial Tax Department UP ( Comtaxup) has been providing the download facility of eSancharan Form 38.
For example, If you have purchased any materials or goods for commercial purpose from Delhi and want to bring it to Haryana you should have the form 38 for UP VAT Tax purpose.
Depending on the load or requirement of form - 38 by individual dealers a categorization has been done. Under the present scheme of category a dealer is
1. Pioneer Dealers /PSU/more than 1000 crore above turnover dealers:
Dealers whose turnover is more than 1000 crore above turnover identified by the department are given some extra facility of eSancharan form - 38 downloads.
2. Dealers other than Pioneer Dealers/PSU:
Other than Pioneer Dealers/PSU/less than 1000 crore below turnover dealers.
How to Download E Sancharan Form 38:
A dealer interested in downloading Form - 38 online has to do the following:
1. Go to the website ( and apply for ‘Registration for Form-38 download’ option.
2. Fill the entries and submit the form.
3. Once submit button is pressed a report would be generated with a Form request number. The dealer needs to take a print of the form and submit the same to the local Commercial Tax office for further processing. (Please remember the request number should be visible clearly on the printout taken by the dealer).
4. Once the request is accepted or rejected by the official concerned at the Commercial Tax Department, an email would be sent to the dealer on the registered as well as alternate email-id. The Accepted dealer would receive a password for form-38 downloading.
5.The dealer whose request is rejected by the Commercial Tax authorities can once again request after removing the objectionable points. The dealers whose request has been accepted can straightaway start downloading Form - 38 by logging-in using his TIN No. and Password have given to him through an email(refer 4).
6. Once login button is pressed using appropriate login credentials, a successful login page would appear with along dealer short detail. The dealer needs to press “e-Sancharan Form-38 Form of declaration of Import Download” button for proceeding further.
7. Once the “e-Sancharan Form-38 Form of Declaration of Import Download” button is pressed a menu page with the following options would appear.
Form 38 E-Sancharan Token Generation.
Form 38 E-Sancharan Bulk Token Generation.
Form 38 E-Sancharan Bulk Token Generation(Single Invoice Multiple Vehicle).
Form 38 E-Sancharan Download.
Reprint E-Sancharan Form 38.
Edit/Update Branches.
Request for E-Sancharan Commodity.
Advance Tax Entry.
Token Cancellation.
Update/Change Vehicle.
Report for Demanded/Issued Tokens.
Report for Generated Unique Forms.
Report for Utilised Form 38.
Report for Unused Token.
Report for Demanded, Issued, Downloaded, Invalid Form.
Export Detail Report of Demand Number into Excel.
8. Now the dealer can start demanding Form - 38 by clicking on “Form 38 E-Sancharan Token Generation”. The dealer has to enter the Tin no. of Seller, the address of the seller, origin state, origin District and press the submit button. The Demand no. would be generated along with specified Demand Number.
9. Clicking on "eSancharan Form Download” menu option for an issuance of the generated forms would ask for the selection of demand no. for downloading of forms. The Tokens would be appearing for the selected demand no. on pressing the “Submit” button.
10. Then Select Consignment Type and click on Proceed button (In Case of Full Truck Consignment)
11. After Clicking Proceed button add Commodities and other information and click on “Preview of eSancharan Form.”
12. Shows preview eSancharan Form 38. If modification required click on Click here to Back, or click on Click here to Save Finally and Generate eSancharan
12. If Dealer Select Partial Truck Consignment Type and click on Proceed button
13. In case of, Partial Truck Consignment fill Bill of Entry date or Customs Clearance Date, actual weight, actual amount in vehicle, goods destination District, goods destination place and click on Save button
14. For Adding vehicle and generate E Sancharan Form on Intermediate Numbers click on Update Vehicle on Multiple Intermediate Numbers.
15. Add multiple Intermediate Number numbers, fill other information and click on “Update Vehicle and Generate Forms” button. For Downloading This Generated eSancharan Form go in Reprint option.
16. For Downloading This Generated eSancharan Form go in Reprint option.
17. Fill tin of purchase and generated E Sancharan number and Submit for downloading Form.
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